The Facilitator Guide Toolkit is a guidebook solution for learning, implementing, facilitating, and supporting Powerful Teaching and Learning in your classroom, school, or district. By the end of it, you will be facilitator of Powerful Teaching and Learning and capable of training others, just like we do.
What is Powerful Teaching and Learning?
Powerful Teaching and Learning helps all kids learn.
It isn’t a script to follow or a specific program to implement. It is a series of best practices. It is developing new instructional habits that will help all students learn. The implementation is up to you, the education professional.
Our research shows that teachers change their practices when they: See instruction (using the STAR Protocol), Talk about instruction using a common language (the STAR Framework), intentionally Apply their observations to the classroom (building STAR Lesson Plans) and continually Reflect on their instruction (practiced throughout). See, Talk, Apply, Reflect.
What's absolutely necessary is your commitment to change. How you go about doing that is up to you. We can help you. We can train, coach, and facilitate, but nothing will change unless you personally want to. Offline or online, Powerful Teaching and Learning only works if you do it.
How Do I Get Started?
Diving into the Facilitator Guide Toolkit
Built for Safe Learning and Reflection in Your Professional Learning Community
While only one Facilitator guide is needed for the group, each participant should have a Personal Reflection Guide (PRG). The PRG contains all the resources participants will need to complete the training program. However, if you have not purchased PRGs, the Facilitator Guide can be used independently as all video lessons and printable handouts are available on the accompanying Facilitator Video DVD and Resource CD. Each Participant will require a minimum of six (6) copies of the STAR Protocol®, which are included in the PRG and are available for purchase separately. The Facilitator Guide offers practical action steps designed to transform Powerful Teaching and Learning from an abstract concept into an event that occurs at the student level every day. The spiraling nature of the modules provides participants the opportunity to rehearse the STAR Process with increasing fluency. As they move through the modules, participants will observe teaching and learning in video lessons and reflect on their own classroom practices, then learn to plan aligned lessons, and finally begin to reflect and plan while observing teaching and learning in live lessons.
Included in the Kit
These products come with the kit:
- Facilitator Guide (1)
- STAR Protocol (5)
- Observation Debrief Card (1)
- Lesson Planning Guide (1)
- Classroom Clips (9)