"Sometimes we stare so long at a door that is closing that we see too late the one that is open." - Alexander Graham Bell
We fixed an issue with closing, among others. Here's a brief update on what was published to STAR online on Friday, October 19th, 2012.
- Accounts: Buildings created as children of a district building will automatically inherit the district's framework
- Lesson Planner: Save everything as typed
- SMART Goals: "Closed" SMART Goals can now be re-opened
- Custom Fields: Fixed an issue in Chrome which did not allow selection of list box items in order to remove items from a custom field list
- SMART Goals: Fixed an issue in which SMART Goals could not be unlinked from STAR Data Collections
- Lesson Planner: Fixed an issue in which default field text was not disappearing from the activity details text box when cursor focus was set to that field