Build reflective instructional habits
Get started on improving your teaching practices today by creating your own free account. Sign up to work with us on implementing Powerful Teaching and Learning and get your entire building set up and trained!
ReflectGet started with a Free Account. View the STAR Framework, create lesson plans that integrate with the STAR framework, and access a subset of the classroom clips for professional development and reflection
CalibrateEffective school-wide practices do not come about overnight. Changing and aligning instructional behavior school-wide is a four-stage process. Instructional practices must align with what research reveals about brain-based learning.
FeaturesA comprehensive suite of tools to support instructional improvement.
BenefitsLearn how to reflect on instruction and develop pedagogical habits.
Product Updates |
DashboardThe home page is a dashboard for quick access to real-time Learning Walk data, the latest classroom videos, your STAR Reports (detailing our STAR Data Collection results), and most popular documents.
The report tool allows school and district administrators to build reports based off of real Learning Walk data that has been recorded at their school. These reports offer a detailed glimpse into a school's progress towards Powerful Teaching and Learning while protecting the privacy of teachers and administrators - no personal details are included in the reports. |
Learning WalksConduct STAR Learning Walks to capture real data for reflection and continuous improvement. Take the Learning Walks module with you even without an internet connection by using Offline Mode!
Types of Learning Walks:
"The videos of students and teachers are powerful learning tools."
fusselms @ Canby School District (OR) |
"I've found it helpful in planning, assessing and bringing knowledge."
aacosta @ Burlington-Edison School District (WA) |
STAR FrameworkUse research-based indicators of highly effective instruction for instructional reflection and planning.
STAR ProtocolSee instruction and learn to reflect on your own classroom practices, without evaluating the observed teacher.
STAR ProcessBuild habits around effective instruction by intentionally planning them into your pedagogical lesson plans.
Align your instructional practices with brain-based learning.
Learning Walks for ReflectionSee instruction and learn to reflect on your own classroom practices, without evaluating the observed teacher.
Pedagogical Lesson PlannerBuild habits around effective instruction by intentionally planning them into your pedagogical lesson plans.
Reflections JournalRecord your learning walk and lesson plan reflections in a digital journal to track your improvement and use as artifacts.
Align your instructional practices with brain-based learning.
Get Started with a Free Account